Thursday 10 October 2013

Sun in Libra, Moon in Pisces

by S. Solomon (Sun in Libra, Moon in Pisces)
Nothing is of its nature evil, and nothing is of its nature good.  Evil is only excess, good is simply balance.  All things are subject to abuse, all things are susceptible to beneficial use.  And balance does not consist in denial, or excess of indulgence. (John Whiteside Parsons, born with Sun in Libra and Moon in Pisces)

The Sun is in Libra, and the Moon is in Pisces from 21:05 GMT 14 October 2013, to 1:17 GMT 17 October 2013. This combination mixes cardinal Air and mutable Water, blending Libra’s balance, gentleness, harmony and diplomacy with Pisces’ imagination, empathy and devotion. 

Libra/Pisces bestow a naturally helpful attitude with the sincere desire to dispense blessings, supporting everyone in experiencing joy and love. Inspired by a spontaneous sense of wholeness, this binary easily embraces spiritual and healing ventures, knowing how to fit into the web of life, trusting, and surrendering to its motion, while also taking the necessary initiatives.

Libra/Pisces have no spontaneous awareness of boundaries in relationships. Everything is experienced as fluid and collective, part of the same whole. In love matters, it is the presence of love that counts, unrelated to permanent individuals, which makes it difficult to be conventionally faithful, unless there is conscious effort. Libra/Pisces have definitely a multidimensional perception in their relationships, with the capacity to engage with a variety of features, challenging the ordinary framework of time and space.

 I slept with faith and found a corpse in my arms on awakening; I drank and danced all night with doubt and found her a virgin in the morning. (Aleister Crowley, born with Sun in Libra and Moon in Pisces)

The awareness of their identity, as well as the identity of others is subject to constant changes, and may even disappear or be affected by radical shapeshifting.

I've often thought that there isn't any "I" at all; that we are simply the means of expression of something else; that when we think we are ourselves, we are simply the victims of a delusion. (Aleister Crowley, born with Sun in Libra and Moon in Pisces)

Libra and Pisces are in quincunx aspect, an angle of 150°, which is five-twelfths of the 360°. This aspect tends to cause slides into parallel universes affecting what happens in everyday reality. The influence can be moderate, yet in some circumstances rather abrupt. Depending on the level of consciousness of the individuals involved, it can be experienced in harmonious or disharmonious ways.

© Franco Santoro, All rights reserved. 

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Some upcoming programmes:

Terra di Luce, Corvaro (Rieti, Italy) 18-20 October 2013, Multidimensional Relationships, Astroshamanic Soul Retrieval of the Light Heartwith Franco Santoro, click here for details.

Terra di Luce, Corvaro (Rieti, Italy) 1-3 November 2013, Multidimensional Relationships, Astroshamanic Soul Retrieval of the Dark Heartwith Franco Santoro, click here for details.

Warsaw (Poland), 30 November-1 December 2013, The Great Leap - Astroshamanic Basic Workshopwith Franco Santoro, click here for details.

Terra di Luce, Corvaro (Rieti, Italy) 27 December 2013, 2 January 2014, Astroshamanic New Year Retreat, with Franco Santoro, click here for details.

Frankfurt/Vogelsberg (Germany) 1-5 March 2014, (new!) Astrological Course Intensive, with Franco Santoro  

Bury, Greater Manchester (England), 14-21 March 2014, Astroshamanic Trance Dance Intensive
with Franco Santoro, click here for details

Terra di Luce, Corvaro (Rieti, Italy), 12-20 April 2014, The Blessed Way of Passion Intensive: Astroshamanic Healing Touch and Tantra, with Franco Santoro & Liliana Cozza, click here for details

Cuzco (Peru), 15-22 June 2014, The Original Quest: An Astroshamanic Voyage into Time and Space & Summer Solstice Celebrationwith Franco Santoro, click here for details.

For full programmes see:

If you would like to organize events, or wish to have more details,
please contact or

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