Saturday 12 October 2013

Training in Multidimensional Awareness & Astroshamanism at Terra di Luce 2014

13 JULY - 2 AUGUST 2014 
Terra di LuceCorvaro (Rieti, Italy)
With Franco Santoro,
A month-long programme which can be attended as a four-week intensive or as individual weeks. Held by Franco Santoro at the Findhorn Foundation (Scotland) from 2003 to 2013, is taking place for the first time at Libera Comunità Terra di Lucean environment fully aligned with Franco's astroshamanic work.

Multidimensional Awareness is based on the holistic experience that all aspects of life are intimately related and part of the same whole. According to this perspective there is no separation and we can find our sense of purpose only if we acknowledge the wider reality in which we exist. This reality also includes what lies beyond our ordinary perception and can effectively deepen the awareness of who we truly are.

Astroshamanism is a holistic system of healing aimed at expanding human perception through the integration of the basic principles of shamanism with experiential astrology, the contemporary revival of archaic mystery traditions and the spirit of the Terra di Luce Community.

This three-week intensive offers a unique and thorough exposure to holistic awareness and shamanism and gives continuity of contact with the workshop leaders. The programme is designed for newcomers as well as if you wish to consolidate previous experiences with shamanism or related methods, and bring shamanic healing into your life and relationships with others. Completion of the programme provides a solid basis for advanced work and leads to basic certification in AstroshamanicHealing®.

This programme includes the following weeks, which may also be attended independently (except for week 3).

12-19 July 2014, Week 1: Basic Week - A Journey Into the Inner Universe

Focuses on clarification of your life intent and connection with your inner guidance. Participants are led in working with basic astroshamanic techniques for expanding perception and reawakening authentic purpose. The workshop includes soul retrieval, astroshamanic touch and bodywork, trance dance, holistic energy work and various opportunities for integrating shamanic work with ordinary reality.

19-26 July 2014, Week 2: Intermediate Week - The Voyage Through the Zodiac

Participants experience the whole spectrum of holistic awareness and astroshamanic archetypes, retrieving and transforming blocked energies, strengthening the relationship with your multidimensional self and life intent. This workshop is designed for people who intend to employ shamanism both for yourself and in your practice with others. The previous week, or another edition of the Basic Week, is a prerequisite for attendance. Booking these two weeks together will give you a discount off the combined price of the two weeks.

26 July - 2 August 2014, Week 3: Integration Week - Grounding the Vision

During this week participants have time and space for integrating the experiences of the previous weeks, according to their own rhythms and visions, while being in the Terra di Luce Community, spending four mornings in our service departments, taking part in optional activities and events such as gardening, walks, individual or group astroshamanic healing sessions. This week can only be attended as part of the month-long option and is not available to be booked separately.

Price for a single week: £ 400, Euro 475 (seven nights accommodation and half-board)
Price for two weeks: £ 780, Euro 910 (14 nights accommodation and half-board)
Price for three weeks if booked together: £ 990, Euro 1150 (includes 21 nights accommodation and half-board).
Bursaries are available.

© Franco Santoro, All rights reserved. 

For full programmes see:

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