Tuesday 25 February 2014

New Moon in Pisces, 1 March 2014

The coming of the New Moon in Pisces heralds the end of the year cycle and the gift to merge all our experiences into the web of life. The New Moon will take place on Saturday, 1 March 2014 at 8:00 GMT and in 10° Pisces.

Pisces constitutes the final frontier of human awareness, including the power to dissolve physical boundaries and expand into multidimensional worlds. 

Pisces represents the climax of our greatest ideal or our most devastating illusions. When Pisces' illusions prevail we move from one dream or nightmare to another, pronstituting ourselves to whoever offers adulation and appreciation. We are deceived by romantic mirages and pseudospiritual visions, surrendering ourselves without reserve and then getting lost in an ocean without boundaries. Hence we search everywhere for something to grab and hold us, people or places, providing relief and a sense of being home, unaware that what we are looking for is not something or someone, but our true self.  
Once we reach the apex of our misfortune, the incapacity to realise what we dream, with all the utter frustration that comes with it, then our attention towards the objects of desire decreases, and we can become aware of what happens within. We cease to be possessed by our dreams and begin to pay attention to the dreamer.
The New Moon in Pisces is ideal to stop, at least for some days or hurs, to be mesmerised by the glimpses of the outer world and all our romantic fantasies. We can choose instead to look within, to question who we are, only addressing the question, with no haste to find an answer, yet accepting to enter into silence, waiting to uncover the answer that in that space of peace we have received other times...  
A Pisces New Moon provides fertile waters for giving birth to creative and artistic ideas, stemming from spiritual realities and deeper aspects of our nature.

The New Moon is an active and male phase, a period of transition when the seed is present, yet it has not taken a definite form. This is an excellent time to develop new ideas, plan and contemplate any Intent you might wish to consider or implement. This allows to set the Intent and foundations for new projects or to release old cycles and grievances. Yet, since the whole scenario is obscure, it may be a time of vulnerability and uncertainty, encouraging abstention from daring initiatives in the outer world. 

It is an ideal moment to relate with one’s inner self, to take some rest and reflect upon the lessons of life, to release what is no longer needed. The purpose of this phase is becoming aware of your multidimensional Intent, letting go of conditionings. 

The question here is: “What do I truly want?” This requires an honest answer, which is not affected by what I am supposed to want according to my social conditioning. 

Be aware of your Intent, no matter whether it appears as a sheer illusion or fantasy to your ordinary mind. This is not the time to be pragmatic or to concern about how to accomplish things. It is the moment to open up to visions. 

Later, as the cycle progresses, there will be chances to refine and orient them towards manifestation and understanding. 

The New Moon is related to the androgynous state, mysterium coniunctionis, the mystical union of Sun and Moon, the sacred marriage which allows the emergence of the true Self, the gateway between dimensions, the Winter Solstice. 

The exact degree of the New Moon (10° Pisces), as it is reflected in your natal chart, provides clues regarding your Intent and the energies that may emerge during the new cycle. 

Pisces is an ideal time to explore our relationship with all aspects of the web of life, expanding our horizons and encompassing the wholeness of our multidimensional nature.

© Franco Santoro, info@astroshamanism.org
Image: "Neptune offering gifts to Venice" by Gian Battista Tiepolo, born on New Moon in Pisces

© Franco Santoro, info@astroshamanism.org. All rights reserved. 

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