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New Moon in Cancer (Binary Cards) |
This is the moment when Sun and Moon are exactly conjunct. With the New Moon, or Lunation, an old cycle ends and a new one starts. Each lunar cycle starts with the New Moon, reaches its climax with the Full Moon and ends with the next New Moon. The sign where the Moon is positioned at the initial New Moon determines the energy and Intent of the entire cycle. For example, with this New Moon in Cancer, the whole lunar cycle will be characterised by Cancer, also when the Sun moves in the adjacent sign Leo.
The New Moon is a period of transition when the seed is present, yet it has not taken a definite form. At this stage dreams or insights, and also prominent situations developing at a physical, emotional or mental level can provide clues about the upcoming form.
The New Moon is an active phase, with the male energy being prevalent. It carries a new awareness and a shift of perspective. This allows to set the Intent and foundations for new projects or to release old cycles and grievances. Yet, since the whole scenario is obscure, it may be a time of vulnerability and uncertainty. This strongly encourages abstention from relevant enterprises or initiatives in the outer world. It is an ideal moment to relate with one’s multidimensional self, or Guide, to take some rest and reflect upon the lessons of life, to release what is no longer needed.
The general question here is: “What do I truly want?” In the context of the current Cancer New Moon other questions may be: “What is the true purpose of my current life in a physical body? What are the sources of nourishment and support of this purpose? In which way can I provide nourishment and support for others and the environment? Where do I come from? What talents have I inherited from my ancestors and how can I use them in the present? What grievances have I inherited from my ancestors and how can I heal them?”
On a New Moon questions require an honest answer, which is not conditioned by general or cultural ideas about what is desirable and strictly refers to one’s own uncontaminated awareness.
During each New Moon it is empowering to tap into the energy of your Intent at a shamanic and visionary level. This may be strategically done through a specific journey and the astroshamanic Basic Ritual of the Sacred Cone. Be aware of your Intent, no matter whether it appears as a sheer illusion or fantasy to your ordinary mind. This is not the time to be pragmatic or to be concerned about how to accomplish things. It is the moment to open up to your pure Intent, as you fully envisage it with no limitations. Later, as the cycle progresses, there will be chances to refine the Intent, orienting it towards manifestation and understanding its practical implications.
At its core level Cancer concerns the search and finding of the primary roots and the original Intent of our presence in a physical body. Here I have the chance of retrieving precious memories, experiencing and healing most ancient mythic recollection, revisiting ancestral lineages, releasing blocked energies and gaining understanding about the collective Intent that truly motivates my life.
We can activate authentic and vivid memories that allow us to pinpoint true needs and release others based on grievances and oblivion. Just as in the ordinary life there are places and people that give temporary shelter and nourishment, also in the spiritual and multidimensional realms there exist similar areas. Yet their protection is not based on time and space. It is founded on other patterns of dimension and can be eternal, abundant and unlimited. There I can receive free and unconditional love, gradually releasing my co-dependence to the perception that has produced the ordinary world where I believe to live.
In astroshamanic work the position of the Moon plays a significant role as it provides clues regarding the lineage and the ancestral initiatory path or mystery school the person has already experienced. This area, which the individual is likely to have mastered in previous times or parallel realities, represents an essential foundation for the realisation of the basic Intent in this current life or dimension. At the same time, it can easily cause addiction, attachment or misuse if its acquired potential is not focused within the present path of initiation, which may differ considerably from the previous one.
The Moon carries the most ancient and significant memories of our life on this planet. It is often related to places and times that appear either as the most attractive or repulsive. As such, it holds the key components of shamanic recapitulation, which is practice that significantly fits with a Cancer New Moon.
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