Thursday 10 February 2011

Full Moon in Leo (by Franco Santoro)

Full Moon in Leo:  This is traditionally a most visionary and theatrical Full Moon, the radiant bearer of spectacular breakthrough and inventive ideas.

The Full Moon is exact on Tuesday 7 February 2012 at 21:53 GMT in 18° Leo 32’, so that the previous night will express most of its potential. The effects, as for all full moons, will begin two days before and end two days after.

The two days preceding a full moon can challenge the perspective of ordinary reality and are ideal to release pent-up emotions and excess energies. The function here is to bring balance between the areas where the Sun and the Moon are. With the Aquarius-Leo axis, the integration is between group and individual consciousness.

During a Full Moon the sexual energy reaches its climax, making the whole body a vast erogenous zone eager to express and act out. This is one of the reasons why the Full Moon has always been regarded as the best time for dynamic group rituals and trance dances.

The Full Moon is a vibrant and stimulating time, revealing the hidden mechanics of the interaction between polarities. The lunar cycle, which started with the New Moon on 23 January (click here for details), reaches the culmination with the Full Moon. 

The sign where the Moon was placed at New Moon, which in this case is Aquarius, defines the basic Intent. Hence, this current lunar cycle based on Aquarius, features themes such as: freedom, independence, community, synergy, inventiveness, deep friendship and companionship. 

This Full Moon is ideal for:
  • expressing your creative and artistic potentials 
  • unveiling your unique contribution in connection with groups, organisations, communities and the web of life
  • being in the limelight with whoever and whatever you are, feeling totally entitled to be yourself and radiate your inner star.
  • allowing your grievances and life dramas to be expressed artistically and theatrically, hence entertaining and inspiring friends and even audiences, while transforming grievances into blessings
  • communicating what you are passionate about, your ideas and visions, no matter how unconventional they are 
  • letting go of the stagnant and addictive safety of your routine, and taking a quantum leap into the unknown, doing what you have been postponing for long and facing your fears to follow your heart.
On a Full Moon whatever was conceived during the New Moon, requires direct disclosure and achievement. Here you confront the practical implications of any Intent you set at the beginning of the lunation cycle.

The energy of Aquarius and Leo combined in this Full Moon shed light onto the awareness of our global consciousness and on how my identity and gifts fit with the wider context. The focus is on bridging the collective with the individual, together with the generous search for the fragmented parts of my extended nature. 

This Full Moon stirs up the quest, the pull to release what is familiar and to explore long forgotten and out of bound territories, triggering a multidimensional shift of perspective that brings genuine change. It implies letting go of the safety of our home environment and setting off on a novel journey. It also entails the availability to return and share the wisdom acquired during the quest, devoting time to integrate the new with the old, supporting healing and reconciliation.
The exact position of the Sun (18° Aquarius 32’) and Moon (18° Leo 32’) at Full Moon in your astrological chart may indicate the nature of the Sun-Moon dynamics as they apply to your individual setting. Hence expect some unpredictable, original and significant developments in the area where the Full Moon falls in your astrological chart.

The energy of the Full Moon inescapably confronts with the realm of relationships and whatever is unconscious in that sphere. Here again the challenge is that relationships are unavoidable, no matter whether according to ordinary reality I am in a relationship or not. 

In this context, “wanting to be in a relationship” is an absurd Intention, for we are all constantly involved in relationships, whether we are aware of it or not. What truly counts is to gain awareness regarding the nature of such relationships and making the best out of them. 

If I acknowledge the relationships I am already in and consciously decide to heal and work with them, new relationships can develop and old ones can transform themselves and become new relationships. The Full Moon in Leo aligns with a paradigm shift that potentially allows me to perceive and experience what is happening beyond the veils of ordinary perception.The Opening picture of this article depicts Krishna bathing in the Yamuna on a full-moon night with Radha and the eight Gopis.  

© Franco Santoro, Findhorn Foundation Cluny HillForres IV36 2RDScotland;

Click here for our calendar of holistic and astroshamanic events.

Full Moon in Leo Music:
Strategically musicians and singers born on a Full Moon in Leo (Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Leo) may activate, stimulate or balance the vibratory energy of this Full Moon and the binary relation between Aquarius and Leo. Please find below a list of musicians and groups. By clicking on their name you can get a list of songs and albums to listen to or download.
Peter Schilling Sun Aquarius, Moon Leo. (born 28 January 1956). German synthpop musician often featuring multidimensional themes (parallel universes, aliens, time/space journeys, etc.). 
Incubus Brandon Charles Boyd (born 15 February 1976, Van Nuys, California, Sun Aquarius, Moon Leo). American musician, author, artist, lead vocalist of the American rock band Incubus.
Marianne James French singer, Sun/Aquarius, Moon/Leo.
Benjamin Biolay (born 20 January 1973), French singer, songwriter, musician and record producer. Sun/Aquarius, Moon/Leo, Ascendant/Cancer
Robert Wyatt (born Robert Wyatt-Ellidge, 28 January 1945, in Bristol), English musician, former member of Soft Machine. Sun/Aquarius, Moon/Leo
Graham Nash Graham William Nash (born 2 February 1942), English-born singer-songwriter. Sun/Aquarius, Moon/Leo, Ascendant/Scorpio.
Rick Astley Richard Paul Astley (born 6 February1966) English singer, songwriter, musician. Sun/Aquarius, Moon/Leo.
Edouard Lalo Édouard Victor Antoine Lalo (January 27, 1823 – April 22, 1892) French composer of Spanish descent. Sun/Aquarius, Moon/Leo, Ascendant/Cancer.
Please click here for suggestions on Music for Aquarius in general.

Recommended books on the Moon's Cycle:

Astroshamanic Glyph for this Full Moon
Binary Vision:
For each Sun/Moon combination (astroshamanic binary) several visions have been received by astroshamanic seekers. These visions refer to the Epic of the Sacred Cone, a provisional collection of documents, which constitute the strategic mythic reference of the astroshamanic cosmology and lineage. Click here for a simplified compendium of the Epic. We provide below one of the visions received on the Full Moon in Leo and the binary 11.5 (Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Leo). Each binary vision is accompanied by a healing seal (see image on the left).
 I travel to a very high location. From there I can see myself and all my connections in  my local environment, then spreading to the whole country, planet, galaxy, universe, Handor and Rodnah. The amount of energy available is incredible. My Intent is to take all this energy and channel it through the Portal of the Sacred Cone. This is the Function. All I see and feel is part of a greater scheme. I’m operating as part of this Game. I acknowledge this connection and implement it. It is a triumph of synergy. This is the way.

Handorian States System
The Handorian States System is a strategic arbitrary reality aimed at integrating 3rd-dimensional perception with multidimensional states of consciousness. In astroshamanism it is used as a reference in order to support healing processes and expanded awareness. The Handorian States System consists of 12 States (Sun's zodiac position), each composed of 12 Nations (Moon's position), making a total of 144 Sun/Moon combinations (astroshamanic binaries). The Nation associated with the Full Moon in Leo and the binary 11.5 (Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Leo) is called Lhanne, aka Hann.

11.5 The Yukal Nation of Lhanne
State of Yukal
Nation of Lhanne (aka Hanne)
Area: 25,000 sq km. Population: 29,900,000
Capital: Han City. Government: Polyarchy

The Yukal Nation of Lhanne (Hanne in previous versions) is a multidimensional island situated in the central archipelago of Yukal. It consists of the main island of Hann, the island region of Largyane, and two reserve base smaller islands (Yuj and Yun) under a joined jurisdiction with the Handorian Defense System.
The capital is Han City, one of the most astounding cities of the Handorian States System, whose motto is "You can dive in Han!". Of particular relevance is the Hannarena, a major multidimensional theatre and Sacred Cone Game stadium.
Lhanne contributed major resources during the pristine developments of the Epic of the Sacred Cone with particular reference to its precious organic quartz. Lhanne, and in particular Han City is one of the major marketplaces for living crystals. The main square in Han City is the Lhanne Trinity Circle, a vast space consisting of three consecutive circles, of 12, 144 and 1728 units, each characterised by a large crystal and precious stone, undoubtedly the most luxurious and extravagant site in the State of Yukal.
Lhanne also hosts some of the main Handorian Squads, together with the Eleventh Contingent of the Handorian Interspace Delegate System.
The Sacred Cone and Provisional Delegate Bureau reference in Lhanne is the Provisional Commissioner based in Han City 5-2-3.

Administrative Division:
Ternary Division: The Yukal Nation of Lhanne consists of 12 Ternary Authorities and the Binary Authority of Han City. Ternary Authorities are called Regions. The Nation of Lhanne officially refused to convert the names of its Ternary Divisions in accordance to version 3, the name in use are those indicated in brackets in the table below, while those preceding the brackets are the names suggested by the State of Yukal.

Lavesta (Avest)
Yconhano (Conhan)
Lhanloc (Hanlock)
Lhankeyd (Hankey)
Centre (incl. Capital)
Han City
Ysands (Sand)
Ydalarnt (Dalarn)
Largyanh (Argyan)
Lastocki (Stock)
Lhakex (Hake)
Yuppsy (Upps)
Ladaubam (Daub)

For further information, click here.

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