Tuesday 23 September 2014

New Moon in LIbra

This New Moon takes place at 6:14 UCT on Wednesday 24 September 2014 in Libra 1°08', a few hours after the Autumn Equinox. This is the moment when Sun and Moon are exactly conjunct. With the New Moon, or Lunation, an old cycle ends and a new one starts. The sign where the Moon is positioned at the initial New Moon determines the energy and Intent of the entire cycle. With this New Moon in Libra, the lunar cycle will be characterised by Libra topics (relationships, partnerships, co-operation, balance, art, beauty, etc.).

The New Moon’s astrological sign (Libra) strategically embodies both the features of  your  intention and the way of dealing with the release process of the previous cycle. What is gestated during the New Moon will then be revealed at Full Moon, which is at 10:51 UCT on 8 October 2014 in Aries 15° 07’.

New Moons are times of transition when the seed is available, yet it has not taken a distinct form. In this crucial moment intuitions, dreams and special events may offer clues about the form that will develop.

The New Moon is a male phase, with initiation and activity being prevalent. It carries a new awareness and a shift of perspective. This allows space for setting the Intent and foundations of new projects and the release of old cycles. Since the whole scenario is obscure, it is also a time of vulnerability and uncertainty. This strongly encourages refraining from relevant enterprises or initiatives in the outer world. It is an ideal moment to relate with one’s multidimensional self, or Guide, to take some rest and reflect upon the lessons of life, to release what is no longer needed.

A most basic question at all levels and especially in the realm of relationships is: 

“Who am I?” 

Or in other words:

Who and what is truly relating in my relationship?

For some reflections on the above please click here.

On a New Moon questions require honest answers, which are not conditioned by general or cultural ideas, and strictly refer to one’s own uncontaminated awareness. 

Honestly, finding an answer to the above question may require more than a life-time, though a provisional and legitimate answer may be: "I don't have any clue", or "I don't know, yet I am determined to find it out", or "Perhaps it is....", or "According to ... it is ..."

There are more questions to follow, yet they all depend upon the answer to the above question. It is entirely up to you whether to move to the next questions or stay with the original question until you get a satisfying answer. Whatever the case, whether you move on out of achieved clarity or impatience, it is advisable to return to the first question from time to time.

Hence, if you have chosen to stay with the first question, you can stop reading this note now, otherwise you can move on to further questions, though I take the liberty not to recommend it.

Further questions may be:

What is the true purpose of my current relationships?
What sources support this purpose?
In which way can my relationships contribute to the human and natural environment?
What talents are generated from my relationships and how can I use them in the present? 
What grievances are produced from my relationships and how can I heal them?
Am I merely projecting on my relationships, falling in love with them, or the other way around, or am I loving them?
What does it mean to love them?
Do I fall in love or do I love?

“Falling in love” is literally loving a part of oneself which the projection process places on the screen of another being. This displacement and reception of a part of one’s being causes the bliss of love, if the other willingly receives and responds to it, or the pain of love, if the other rejects or only partially accepts the projection. “Falling in love” makes demands on the other, willing or unwilling. “Loving”, on the other hand, is free and giving; it requires nothing in return, has no expectations, accepts the other without judgment or reservation, and wants only that which can be freely and willingly given out of the other’s Self. The relationships where “falling in love” turns into “loving” as the initial projection wanes are those that endure with the greatest depth and beauty. (Edwin C. Steinbrecher, The Inner Guide Meditation)

The degree of the New Moon, or Lunation point, indicate an area of life that will operate as Intent and driving force during the next cycle. In this New Moon it is Libra 1°08'.

This New Moon is the binary 7.7, a climax of cardinal air. At its core level Libra concerns the search and finding of the primary relationship and the original Intent of the interaction among human beings. Here you have the chance of voyaging into time and space, experiencing and healing most ancient mythic recollection, revisiting ancestral lineages, releasing blocked energies and gaining understanding about the Intent that truly motivates your partnerships.

I love thee, I love but thee
With a love that shall not die
Till the sun grows cold
And the stars grow old. (Willam Shakespeare)

© 2010 Franco Santoro, info@astroshamanism.org. All rights reserved. 

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For our programmes, see: http://www.astroshamans.com/p/events.html

If you would like to organise a workshop or for any information, please contact info@astroshamanism.org or see http://www.astroshamans.com/2013/08/organising-astroshamanic-and-holistic.html 

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